Case Study: Nissan Arena Landscape Refurbishment


Image: Nissan Arena

Client: Queensland Sport and Athletics Centre (QSAC)

Project: Nissan Arena Landscape Refurbishment

Duration: 2 Weeks

Multhana completed a landscape refurbishment project at Nissan Arena for the Queensland Sport and Athletics Centre (QSAC). The project, led by Alex Browne, focused on developing a practical and lasting solution to address challenges posed by the site’s difficult-to-access garden areas.

Project Overview

The gardens at Nissan Arena presented significant maintenance challenges for the client due to accessibility issues including maintaining the bio basin. Multhana, in close collaboration with the client, developed a comprehensive refurbishment plan to improve the area’s manageability and aesthetics while ensuring the bio basin continued to function effectively.

Image: before and after the landscape refurbishment project

Project Scope

1. Weed and Select Plant Removal: All existing weeds and redundant plants were removed to prepare the site for new, healthier growth.

2. Soil Treatment: To ensure a supportive environment for new plants, the soil was treated with necessary nutrients and amendments. This step was vital for enhancing soil health and fertility.

3. Application of Mulch: A suitable mulch was spread over the treated soil to suppress weed growth and retain moisture, reducing future maintenance needs.

Practical Results

The two-week project has significantly improved the garden area, making it cleaner and more manageable, and requiring less frequent upkeep. The combination of soil treatment and mulch application ensures a sustainable solution that greatly benefits the onsite grounds maintenance team.

Find out more about Multhana’s landscaping services here.